This piece is dirived from a prayer called "serenity prayer". This is the last verse about wisdom, and I think it came out well.
From the way I see it, there are two types of wisdom, young and old. I wanted to show both types here, which I thik I achived.
The young wisdom looks mischivious and ominous, almost like those children you'd see in horror movies. I didn't want the viewer to know if both characters ment harm or not, because wisdom is brought through expiriance, in which could either be malice or innocent.
The old wisdom is a lot the same, you can't tell if he means harm or not, which I really like. His beard gives the viewer a sense that this wisdom is built on many years of expiriance. This is also shown by the way the old wisdom has a more complex design, as if these were things he's collected over the years.
With the designs I think they're awesome, both do exactly what they need in my opinion. I really like the added glowing things, and how you can't tell why they have them. The hand gesture I felt added a lot as well, it's liike they're saying hello but with they're menicing apperance, I think it gives off a feeling of foreboding.
overall I really liked what I made here, The writing isn't good by any means, but the rest is so I'm quite proud.