Hello, this is the "Blog" section of my website, where I basically just write about anything I want. So I figured I'd kick off the blog with something that happened recently, that being my trip to outback Australia.
Me and some family went up to this place called "Broken Hill", from where I live the drive is 12 hours for both going and returning. It was a long trip, but it payed off, I love travelling and seeing new places as thats what I've been doing my whole life. The drive was beautiful, I'm new to Australia so seeing all these new things was enchanting.
While the trip was nice, I do have a question for any locals. Do y'all just find random cows and goats on the side of the road? seriously, we encountered a heep of what seemed to be wild goats and cows which was a shoocker.
Side tangent aside, it's a nice place, I liked seeing the new sights and the statue's we went to see were pretty damn cool